Ok this is easily my favorite day of the year - and I cannot wait until next year when Mady will actually be able to wear a costume and be dragged door to door by her Halloween obsessed mother. I would dress up this year but without her being able to dress up too it would defeat the whole purpose. I couldn't find any small enough costumes or I would have dressed her up this year. She's so laid back I know she wouldn't have fussed.
Friday is needle day for her and pap day for me. I am getting my tubes tied ASAP so they will be booking me for that shortly. No more heartbreak for me. I have my baby girl and I wouldn't survive (mentally) loosing another one so I've decided to get rid of the whole possibility.
Ok I have to run as the kiddies are arriving now but I wanted to touch base. I love you all.
Ter and Mady