Thursday, October 25, 2012

Facing Up to It

I miss myself.... I miss my life.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

More pictures...

The picture of the four kids is my Chris and hes holding Mady. Jack who you know and the baby next to Jack is my sister Leah's new baby. She was born December 9th and her name is MacKenzie Louise.... Madyson Lynn and MacKenzie Louise. I thought that was kind of cool :)


The more you try, The less I bite....

Well its offically 2007 and I thought I should atleast pop in here and share some of my Mady Christmas pictures. She is doing very well and growing like a weed. She eats food now - lunch and supper. She gets 3 tbsp of her main veggie (she is only eating the beginner foods so far) and 2 tbsp of her desert fruit. Applesauce and sweet potatoes are her favorites so far but she adores squash and peaches too. My sweet baby. I am VERY addicted to my child. Having a hard time right now because Student Loan has decided I don`t pay them enough so they are taking my GST payments and my income tax and part of my EI so money just took a HUGE dive. Mady and I were fine prior to this - now we`re in trouble. So I may have to go back to work ASAP but I don`t have a babysitter for her and I don`t really want to leave her with anyone. So I am at an impasse. If anyone has any suggestions, I`m open. Maybe start a home business or something. Or take on kids... I don`t know but I know I don`t trust anyone with my baby. Blah

Anyway - Christmas was quiet - no turkey dinner for me this year. Dougie parents don`t have one and my mother isn`t speaking to me so - that one was out as well.

Hope you all had awesome Christmas`s and a blessed New Year.

Ter and Mady

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Mady in the Sky with Diamonds....

She's in size 3 diapers now. She's 24.5 inches long. She's eating Pablum. Both oatmeal and rice but she LOVES the rice and only LIKES the oatmeal. 2 tbsp at lunch and 2 at supper. She's growing like a weed. More needles on the 14th :( But atleast I'll get to find out how much she weighs. I can't wait. She's atleast 16 pounds. I'll be getting new pictures to post soon but those of you who are on the Mady list get regular pictures anyway.

Love to you all

Ter and Mady

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Ok this is easily my favorite day of the year - and I cannot wait until next year when Mady will actually be able to wear a costume and be dragged door to door by her Halloween obsessed mother. I would dress up this year but without her being able to dress up too it would defeat the whole purpose. I couldn't find any small enough costumes or I would have dressed her up this year. She's so laid back I know she wouldn't have fussed.

Friday is needle day for her and pap day for me. I am getting my tubes tied ASAP so they will be booking me for that shortly. No more heartbreak for me. I have my baby girl and I wouldn't survive (mentally) loosing another one so I've decided to get rid of the whole possibility.

Ok I have to run as the kiddies are arriving now but I wanted to touch base. I love you all.

Ter and Mady

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Forget? Sounds Good...

"they say time heals everything
but I'm still waiting..."

Still at Doug's parents. Hair is my natural color again (dark brown) and pretty much the same as Tam's color. Mind you - my hair is MUCH longer than Tam's :) Which Mady likes cuse she can grab it and yank. My baby is teething. Poor hon. I bought her a cold teether which she likes to suck and chew on - seems to make her feel better to press down.

I can't believe shes teething already - I always thought it was much later than this but apparently I cut my first tooth on the day I turned 4 months old. And Mady is two and a half months old already.

Still single and needing some male companionship but I don't dare in my heart of hearts turn to Dougie because it will just open up another chapter in the Ter and Doug Chronicles and I don't need to or want to do that. We've been down that road too many times already.

So as Tam and I have dubbed it, I am "H" (if you think about it you'll figure that out) and I cannot turn to the one who does it for me so I guess I shall just have to suffer in silence until such a time that I can deal with it.

I miss you all but I'm back on MSn if anyone wants to talk.

Ter and Mady

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Had a Moment in Time...

Just have a moment of internet time and decided to use it to my advantage. I'm alive and breathing but barely at times. Staying at Doug's parents right now which is wierd but necessary right now. Mady is doing SOOOO well.... she's smiling and growing and learning.... *sighs* I'm in love. :) Anyway - I'm having terrible headaches and so I am now booked in for a cat scan to find out whats going on. Still planning a trip to Yarmouth (I need it desperately). I will be going back to the farm at some point, not sure how this will all work out. Will need to pick up my stuff once I find a permenant place. Anyway I must run. I miss you all terribly and I am barely coping without the ability to blog daily but we are getting a computer and high speed access in the next week or so. I'll be in touch when I can. I love you all madly.

Ter and Mady

Monday, September 18, 2006

You Won't Miss Much....

No updates on the house yet but I wanted to take a second and let you all know I won't be out of touch for long. I am buying a computer first chance I get and I'll be online. Mady is still thriving but she is terribly fussy today so I can't be on long but I wanted you to know that I am thinking about you all and I love you all deeply. I'll hopefully blog later on when I get a bit of time.

Love ya-